The Bootleg Database
The Bootleg Database

The Bootleg Database is a searchable database containing information on my Rory Gallagher audio bootlegs, including the name of the venue, location, date, and tracklisting for each concert. You can search the database using a keyword or portion of a word to find the information that interests you. Dates are in the format of (yyyy-mm-dd), so if you're looking for all concerts I have for May of '78 you would type in: 1978-05

Search the Database

Keyword Search:
Words containing an apostrophe (') will give inaccurate results. Enter just enough of the word to make it unique to that song, venue, or location. Click HERE for explanation of search criteria

Browse the Database

You can also view the entire database or select a band lineup in the drop-down menu and view concert information for that particular lineup.

Feel free to email me if you have any questions or spot any inaccuracies in the database. Please note that this is a database of all MY Rory bootlegs and not a database of all known bootlegs. Enjoy.